autotest VIH® is a rapid home diagnostic test for HIV infection*.
Using a drop of blood taken by fingertip prick, autotest VIH® reliably screens for HIV infection more than 3 months old.
*HIV is the virus that causes AIDS

Kit content

Demonstration video
Autotest VIH® is customizable

How reliable are HIV self-tests?
No HIV self-test is 100% reliable. False-positive results (individuals testing positive but not infected) or false-negative results (individuals testing negative but infected) are possible.
It is important that storage (temperature and duration) and test performance follow the conditions described by the manufacturer.
Compared with laboratory tests (4th generation ELISA), HIV self-tests are not very sensitive during periods of recent infection (infection less than 3 months old). In fact, different markers appear successively during the course of HIV infection. Depending on the marker targeted and the technique used, the time to first positive test results therefore varies. HIV® self-test negativity can only be certified after a precautionary period of 3 months1.
Other tests exist but are not authorized in France, notably saliva tests.
The seroconversion window (the time between infection and the moment when the test becomes positive) for HIV® self-testing can be up to 3 months1. Consequently, a negative result can only be considered reliable if there has been no risk-taking in the 3 months prior to the test.
A study of the practicability of the HIV® self-test by laypersons showed that over 99.2% of participants who handled the self-test obtained an interpretable result, and over 98.1% of self-tests were interpreted correctly. Positive self-tests were interpreted correctly in 100% of cases2.
1 TROD – rapid diagnostic tests for HIV infection, Bibliographic documentary summary file, CRIPS, September 2013
2 Excellent practicability of the SURE CHECK® HIV Health Self-Test on capillary blood by a lay population concerned about HIV. S. Karon et al. October 2014
Does Autotest VIH® detect HIV-1 and HIV-2?
Yes, because it detects anti-HIV-1 and anti-HIV-2 antibodies in the blood.
How long after taking a risk can an HIV® self-test be used for it to be considered reliable?
HIV infection due to risky behaviour (unprotected sexual intercourse or condom accident during sexual intercourse with a person infected with HIV or whose HIV status is unknown, sharing injection equipment) or accidental exposure (condom breakage, contact with blood, etc.) that is less than 3 months old will not be detected by the HIV® self-test: it could give a false negative result.
If you have been at risk for at least 6 weeks, it is recommended that you go for screening using a 4th generation Elisa test available from a CeGIDD or laboratory.
Beyond this 3-month seroconversion window, autotest VIH® is reliable for detecting HIV infection.
If you have been at risk for less than 48 hours, you should go to the emergency department for a consultation and possible post-exposure prophylaxis.
How do I dispose of the contents of the kit after using the HIV® self-test?
The lancing device in the HIV® self-test kit is secure, with a retractable needle. Although it is impossible to prick yourself with it, according to current French legislation, it must be returned to a pharmacy and disposed of in the yellow needle boxes provided by your pharmacist (collection points and more information on dastri.fr). All other parts of the kit can be disposed of with household waste.

Is there a helpline I can call for any information or questions about HIV® self-testing?
Sida Info Service (0 800 840 800, anonymous and free call) provides information about HIV and the use and interpretation of the HIV® self-test 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also contact your pharmacist or an AIDS association.
REF : AS-VIH-001
This diagnostic medical device is a regulated health product which, under these regulations, bears the CE mark.
Manufacturer: AAZ-LMB, 43 rue de Bellevue – 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt – FRANCE
Read the instructions carefully before use
Last modification : 07/2024